Stakes: How Does It Work
Poker bets and this applies to all variations, are commonly called blinds. These are the compulsory bets which must be paid by the two 711kelab players to the left of the dealer before the distribution.
These bets are proportional as the small blind payable by the right player left of the dealer is equal to half the big blind payable 2 e player to the left of the dealer.
These bets are compulsory so that the players cannot fold without having spent anything and that whoever wins the pot does not win anything. They increase as the game progresses since the more time passes, the fewer players there are and the more the stacks are filled.
The blind increases depend on the tournaments, sometimes The blinds increase every 30 minutes, every 3 table rounds, etc. In major poker tournaments, the online betting malaysia games are sometimes very long and we arrive at blinds which are sometimes equal to 1/3 or even more of the stack of finalists.
Insulation Techniques
The isolation technique is a technique widely used in any tournament. This technique consists in fact of isolating a player, by getting the other opponents to fold (refer to the article “Knowing how to make your opponents fold”) to find themselves face to face with him.
Generally, it is the players who raise weakly above the big blind in the preflop that one wishes to isolate by having a correct hand oneself. We notice that in most tournaments it is a method used because it allows eliminating the other participants to have more chance to succeed in its strategies.
Let us take a concrete example. During a tournament, you are at a table with 5 players, and you 3 e talking. Before the flop, the blinds are thrown and you have a strong hand. The opponent to your left has 200,000 chips and you have 500,000. He raised to 75,000. The isolation technique is as follows: You bet 215,000 chips so that the other players fold if they don’t have an extraordinary hand and somehow force the player before you to call since he has already committed 75,000 chips. You find yourself face to face with him: Your insulation technique worked!
What is it for in your hand? This technique can be used if you have a pair of jacks, for example, a hand that is not necessarily the best but is even less so with a lot of players. If you find yourself head to head with a pair of jacks, your hand goes up in value!
It’s a fairly simple technique to use, but care must be taken to use it correctly for it to work!